

标志词组:noting but(只有,只不过), not ... too(越……越好), none but(只有), nothing more than(仅仅), none other than(不是别的而正是),
none the less(依然,仍然), not but that(虽然), make nothing of(对……满不在乎), not ... long before(很快就), no more than(仅仅,只是),
no other than(只是,正是)
You can't be too careful in doing experiments.你做实验越仔细越好。
There is no material but will deform more or less under the action of forces.各种材料在力的作用下都会多少有些变形。
It is no more than a beginning.这仅仅是个开端。


1、more than can

The beauty of the park is more than words can describe.这座公园美得无法形容。

2、anything but

He is anything but a scholar.他绝对不是一名学者。
The wood bridge is anything but safe.那座木桥一点也不安全。

3、have yet to do

I have yet to learn the new skill.我还没有学到那项计数。

4、may/might as well

It is still raining hard outside; we may as well stay here ober the night.外面依然在下大雨,我们还不如待在这里过夜呢。


否定意义的动词:wonder(不知道,想知道), exclude(排除,不接受,不包括), cease(终止,没有坚持), neglect(忽视,没注意到), defy(对抗,不服从), refrain from(制止,不允许), lose sight of(忽略,不管), to say nothing of(更不用说), not to mention(更不用说), fall sort of(不足), live up to(做到,不辜负), dissuade...from...(劝……不要)
The error in calculation escaped the accountant.汇集没有注意到这个计算上的错误。
否定意义的名词:refusal(否定,否认),reluctance(不情愿),loss(没有),lack(缺乏,没有),Greek on(对……一无所知)
English literature is Greek to her.她对英国温煦一无所知。
否定意义的形容词:far from(远非,一点也不),deficient(缺乏),devoid of(不具有,缺乏),alien to(与……相反),foreign to(不适合,与……无关)few and far between(很少,不多),dead to(对……没反应),the last(最后的,最不愿意的)
The newspaper accounts are far from being true.报纸的报道远非事实。
Holidays are few and far between.放假的时候并不多。
He is the last man she wants to meet.她最不想见到的人就是他。


否定意义的介词:past(超过),above(不低于),in vain(无效,没有),at a loss(不知所措),but for(要不是),in spite for(不管),at fault(出错),against(不同意),but(除……之外),except(除……之外)beneath one's notice(不值得理睬),out of(不在……里面,不在……状态),out of the question(不可能)
He was above reproach.他是无可指责的。(reproach n&v.责备)
Her beauty is beyond compare.她的美丽是无与伦比的。

